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Why Don’t I Have Fishnets?: A Watchmen Cosplay

I was going to make a whole post about why I cosplay, but no one really wants to read that. All you need to know: I love to dress up as other people; I get a weird sort of energy from it.
So, to show my excitement for Watchmen being picked, I reacted the only way I know how: with costumes!
All I needed was a character, which is overwhelming because there are tons of characters with unique costumes in Watchmen. My first choice would be: The Silhouette, because she’s my favorite, but I had already done a Silhouette cosplay earlier this year.
So I chose Sally Jupiter, who, unlike the Silhouette, is probably one of my least favorite heroines ever (rivaled only by her daughter Laurie). However, her costume is bright, fun, and captures the spirit of Watchmen. The fact that I had all the needed supplies (besides fishnets) also aided my decision.
Even without the fishnets, the costume came together really well. It ended up being a mesh of comic Sally, with her purple leggings, and movie Sally, with her black choker and her tragic hairdo.
I tried to convince Corinne Lanshe to dress up as Laurie Jupiter, she didn’t, but she did wear the Comedian’s pin. She told me she may dress up for one of our discussions (fingers crossed for Doctor Manhattan). As for me, maybe I’ll bust out my Silhouette costume sometime soon.

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